Sajidxa Mariño

Sajidxa Mariño

Central University of Venezuela


Sajidxa Mariño is an Otolaryngologist, specialized in endoscopic surgery. In 2017 he created the Centro Respira Libre, dedicated exclusively to the treatment of nasal obstructions and snoring with diode laser in the office of any patient from 2 years of age. 


Diode's Laser for In Office Endoscopic Surgery Center a new type of ENT Center exclusive for patients with obstructive nasal diagnosis.

Description of a new technique  of Laser Diode's for Endoscopic Turbinal Surgery IN OFFICE with topical anethesia for inmediatly reincorperation to rutine  for patients between 2 years and ancients

Only a one hour preparation with drops and cotton's anesthesia, and five minutes procedure.

Indicated  for patients with Turbinate Hipertrophy (inferior turbinate or inferior and medial turbinate) with oral respiration, snoring, posterior rhinorrea, or with facial algias,  in  patients complicated for general anesthesia, athletes who needs training the day after, executives or students who needs work or study the same day of the surgery, or any patiens who needs to correctly brieth without been in a operating room and have the postoperative desincorporation of their routine. Also in patients who has previously turbinate surgery in OR or septoplasty without success.

With preoperative and postoperative CT scan and endoscopic evaluation were shows turbinate disminution, and clinical changes like considerate workout in nasal brieth, less snoring, notably disminution of posterior rhinorrea and no more presences of facial Algias for contact of middle turbine with Trigeminal gangly.

The 10 years implementation of this new technology at the office with 1000 patients experience has been proved as the only model of resolution of patients at the first Laser In Office Center for Otolaryngology at Caracas, Venezuela, with excellent quality of life results.